Communities For Work +

Are you unemployed? Communities For Work + may be able to support you.

Communities For Work +

Communities For Work +

Communities for Work + (CfW+) is a Welsh Government funded project, delivered by Ceredigion County Council. CfW+ support is available for all people aged over 16 years old and living in Wales who are not in education, employment, or training, however the primary focus should be to support those who are most at risk of disadvantage.

Mentors provide 1:1 support for participants with writing the perfect job application and CV, support with job seeking, undertaking mock interviews, interview skills, confidence building, up-skilling and we can fund a wide variety of training.

Training courses range from First Aid qualifications, retail or healthcare, construction safety cards, security licences and much more.

If you think the project may be able to help you or if you would like more information, contact the team on 01970 633 422 or email

In addition, get in touch if you are an employer and have any opportunities for participants to undertake work experience or a paid work opportunity (funded by Communities For Work +).

For more information click here.